Na Na Why Don't You Get A Job?
, 05-14-2013 at 08:18 AM (832 Views)
I need a job. This staying home all day deal kinda sucks.
But on the other hand, it's pretty pointless if we're just going to move soon anyway. Antioch is like an hour away from where we are in Clarksville (which is directly across the street from Gate 1 @ Ft. Campbell), so it'd be a waste of gas/money & time for me to drive back & forth once we -do- move. And besides that, I don't want to get a job just to turn around 4 months later and be like "Yeahhhhh I gotta quit. I'm moving."
And then again, taking care of Jay and being a f*cking "House Wife" -is- a full-time job, nevermind Peepers. I'm constantly cleaning and cooking and doing laundry and taking out trash and blah blah blah.
Speaking of cooking... I made this really awesome Chicken-Sun Dried Tomato-Bechamel-ish bake.
The original recipe came from Martha Stewart's website and just called for uncooked mushrooms & sun dried tomatoes, but I sauteed the mushrooms with spinach, onion, & asparagus.. To ramp up the veggie content and used whole wheat penne. And of course, dumped a shit ton of Italian seasoning in there. Turned out pretty good. I hate making Bechamel sauce though. Because I never measure, it's hard for me to get the right milk to roux to cheese ratio. I overshot it with the milk and had to add a ton more flour and used up like 4 different kinds of cheese. Oh well. It still turned out ok.
And now I'm off to watch Season 1 of Mortal Kombat Legacy. w00t.