Food Pr0n of the Day. Part II.
, 07-04-2013 at 09:53 PM (747 Views)
I'll post pics later.
Last night I went to the trouble of making homemade Frijoles Charros (A type of bean "stew".. Pinto beans with sauteed chorizo, jalepeno, garlic, bacon and onion mixed in. Sliced hot dog is also a common additive, but I didn't have any so.), super spicy Salsa Verde, Super Fried chicken legs without the breading (so that the skins get super crisp and delicious), and Mexican Red Rice.
After the chicken legs were cooked, I added the green salsa to the skillet with the chicken, lowered the heat to med-low , and covered it, making sure to use a spoon to cover the chicken with the salsa, braising it slowly.
It turned out -awesome-.
I also tried my hand at cooking refried beans. I cooked an entire bag of pinto beans so that I could use 1/2 to try out refried beans and in the off-chance that it didn't work, I'd have the charro beans to fall back on.
So I sauteed another small "tube" of chorizo with onion, garlic, and jalepeno (in a tablespoon of lard. Yes. LARD. It's a very important factor in getting the taste & consistency right) and mashed the beans that I scooped out with a slotted spoon into a separate bowl with minimal bean water & smashed it to make it into a slightly pasty consistency. Then I added it to the sauteed chorizo mix in the skillet -with the lard- and continued cooking it.
It's hard to explain, but it turned out amazing.
And today, because I had no more meat to cook, I made Spinach-Kale enchiladas with spicy Salsa Verde Sour Cream Sauce. I used the "mulch" from my juicing and sauteed it all in oil with onion & garlic and used that as the filling for the enchiladas. With -corn- tortillas.
Jay loves meat and would prefer it to anything, but he ate all of this and actually got full.
Oh yeah, I also made tostones. Google and learn. Love!
I then added