I'm Going On A Liquid Diet... Maybe.
, 06-11-2013 at 07:58 PM (882 Views)
What the title says. After I get this one issue taken care of over the next couple of days, Jay gets paid, and we can afford to eat again, I'm gonna try a liquid diet for a week or 2.
No not my usual beer/jack & coke diet either. Shut up.
I usually eat lots of veggies anyway, so I figure I can use my blender to blend up whatever, then strain the liquid, & save the pulp for soups or something later ... Maybe freeze it in Ziploc bags? Idk, whatever. I just wanna try it. If anyone else has ever done this, tell me how you did with it / what types of juices did you make? Gracias.
And I finally beat Parasite Eve for the 1st time. lulz... I actually beat it in like 11 hrs or so. So I'm gonna go back and do the EX Game and check out the Chrysler Building. w00t.
Annnnd now I'm off to go play Chrono Trigger. Yay.