My Child Will Be On Birth Control ASAP
, 05-17-2013 at 03:10 AM (649 Views)
Watching all these "16 & Pregnant" & "Teen Mom" episodes is really freaking me out.
I know how bad -my- friends were in grade school (they'd all gotten their V-Cards punched by age 13 - one girl had been 11. I was the good girl in the group. I just smoked a lot of pot. With my older brother. I was also 18 when I finally lost it) - sleeping around, sneaking out, all that crap. My best friend had her 1st son when -she- was 16 & her 2nd son when we were like 18/19.
I myself, really wasn't a bad kid per se in high school. I never snuck out or skipped school. I was just stoned out of my mind 24/7, never did my school work, and slept in every class. When I'd go home to visit my parents and hometown friends for the summer, my parents would actually -let- me stay out until 4/5/6 a.m. (hey - Double Double Feature @ the Drive-In!) & my dad would give me like $40. I was like 15/16 then. We'd go buy a buncha green from my brother, make someone buy us beer, and get faded at the Drive In. Or if it was during the day, we'd go to the Hiwassee River (which I've swum across numerous times) & get faded there.
But I digress.
Some of these Teen Moms are absolutely -insane-.
- That fat chick is in prison for however many yrs 'cuz she's bat shit crazy.
- That girl with the weird accent (Jenelle?) has been arrested numerous times for drug possession and now she's pregnant -again- (she doesn't even have custody of the son she already has). Oh, and she's had plastic surgery. How the hell can you afford plastic surgery and a decent car, but you can't take care of your effing kid?
- Farrah, girl who thinks she's hot shit made a sex tape and sold it to Vivid (the same company that bought Kim & Ray-J's tape, Paris Hilton's, etc) and then bashed Kourtney Kardashian for having a 2nd baby out of wedlock & had the nerve to call -her- irresponsible. She's also had a nose & boob job.
Like... The only ones who came out ok were Maci (who's from my neck of the woods), & Catelynn (who, with her fiancee, gave her baby up for adoption).
But anywho. These people are nuts. That combined with the number of children who go missing every year - I want my kid on birth control asap & have a tracking chip implanted into her head. I mean hey, they do it to dogs & cats. Kids are far more important than that.
I'm definitely scared of the future. Ha.
Pistachios are yummy.