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Small Girl, Big Life

My Cat Almost Died, Now We're Broke

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I really really -really- hate doing this.

Like it's mega uncomfortable for me and I don't like it at all.



My cat is recovering wonderfully, and she's allllllmost back to her old self now, though it'll still be awhile before she's 100% again.

She didn't go down without a fight, though. Kitty left a huge gash on the dog's snout and another just over his eye. She's tough shit.

And in spite of this happening, she really hasn't changed at all personality-wise. She still hates Penny (our boxer) just as much as she did before, but she hasn't gotten overly mad or tried to really hurt her out of anger- just the normal swipes with her claws out a bit at her face when Penny gets too close, but that's how she's always been.

This is the part where I -really- want to say "We'll pay you back, eventually". My fiance and I aren't the kinds of people to ask for help like this. If we have an unexpected expense, we really usually just suck it up and deal, but this is just a bigger problem that's taken a toll on our finances.

I don't really expect anyone to donate, but if you do, basically I'll marry you. <3

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