Makes Me Wanna Die
, 01-17-2014 at 10:52 PM (5111 Views)
I'm still in Texas.
BF bought me a plane ticket to fly from DFW to LaGuardia for last weekend, but he's not very bright and booked a 5 a.m. flight. -__-; And because my Dad is partially paralyzed on the left side, he can't drive by himself.. We couldn't find anyone to go with us to help him drive, so I had to miss the flight altogether.. The airline wouldn't transfer my ticket even with my situation (and telling them that I found a flight out of Nashville for even cheaper than the one that'd been booked), which is kinda shitty, but whatever.
... Plus my Dad wants me to help him move back to Tennessee and help him get his new RV situated and set up. And he doesn't want to drive the 8 hrs by himself. He said he'd get me a ticket to NYC after we get there.. Hopefully I'll be leaving the weekend of the 25th. My birthday is on the 30th and I have friends from EoFF coming to visit that following weekend for massive partying and bar crawling and overall 24/7 drunkenness. I really don't want to have to push it back or cancel.
He finally came out and told me he -really- just wants me to stay with him (again), but the last time we lived together was a disaster. One relationship got ruined because of him wanting to me to live with him and my mom.. I'm not so keen on the idea of potentially ruining another over the exact same thing.
But whatever.