I Thought He Had Impulse Issues?
, 06-06-2013 at 06:55 PM (722 Views)
.... and they need to kick in about 2 months ago.
Some stuff is going on that was supposed to het taken care of a long ass time ago. I asked him if he'd gotten the money he's owed yet and of course, he hasn't. and it's hindering what needs to be done.
it's frustrating and pissing me off greatly and he's just all "tea pa la la! I need to get college straightened out before I get outta the army!" & I'm like "no. you need to get this other shit handled first. Like right now."
And it's a very time sensitive issue and the clock is ticking and like it's pushing me into thinking abt leaving.
I'm like not even sleeping in our bedroom tonight I'm so posses off abt the whole thing.