I'm High As **** 'Cuz I'm Sippin' Lean.....
, 04-02-2013 at 05:31 AM (1060 Views)
Omg. #1) Wake n Bake. N finish crown & coke.... Heh.
Soooo J left yesterday. I met like.. His whole family.
It was nerve wracking..
... Then he met -my- parents. It wasn't intentional. I was hoping to avoid that situation entirely..
They were nice to him. My dad told lots of army stories. Blah.
So then I got drunk and my dad kinda talked mad shit to me. Again. And insulted me. Again.
I'm not going into detail about it all. It was really bad. I cried. A lot. My mom came into the house later on, but I don't remember what was said. I was trying to sleep.
I just told them both I'm leaving.
To go home.
J is picking me up Saturday. And I'm moving in w him.
Pretty crazy considering how paranoid & careful I normally am. he's pretty awesome, though, so.. Yeah.
Idk, I just can't do it here anymore. It's terrible.