Oh You Wanna Be 5 Years Old?
, 07-06-2013 at 01:20 AM (596 Views)
..... That's fine. I'm not gonna put up with it.
This guy gets pissy 'cuz I bought groceries and spent all the money on food and couldn't buy him a GD pack of cigarettes .... When he lost the pack we had earlier.
And he continued being an asshole and I told him I'm not doing this in front of my child. I tried to be nice and make up, but he just kept getting in a bad mood again.
So I'm done. He walked out the door, wouldn't tell me where he was going in spite of my efforts to stop him and make him talk to me and now his phone is off. ... As I'm fixing yet another labor intensive dinner for -him-.
I do not play those games. I have no patience for this shyte. I will snap necks.
As I've said before, I'd rather be with my ex and know what I'm getting myself into and know what to expect than be with someone who promises me the world and does the complete opposite.
This is complete bullshit.
And 5 million hours later, he comes home completely tanked. And took a piss in the laundry basket.
I'm so beyond irritated and upset right now.