I Wanna Be A Hermit, Though!
, 07-09-2013 at 04:52 AM (653 Views)
Jay asked me if I've been applying for jobs.
I told him yeah, but I really haven't. That's horrible of me.
I've just been feeling so discouraged about looking in general and having to go through interviews (if I even manage to land one) and explaining -why- my job history is as jacked up as it is and then being disappointed and upset when I -don't- get the job.
I'm super sick of serving & working in restaurants, but ask anyone who finds themselves sucked into the profession... You get pigeonholed -easily-. Once you get sucked in, it's extremely hard to get back out. It's like a Black Hole. I don't want to work in retail again either. Gag me.
I know beggars can't be choosers, but I'm tired of just doing whatever job I manage land first. I want to work in an office, where I can sit down and not have my back murdering me all day long and not have to deal with asshole customers for 12 hours and depend on -them- to pay my bills for me. Not to mention not being able to afford insurance. .... Or anything else for that matter.
Office, or work at home. Yes. I want to work at home. And just be home all day. And not have to deal with -anyone- really. Other than on the phone or online or something.
Someone go make that magic happen for me. PLEASE!? XD