And I Was -Just- Reminded Why I Hate Nashville
, 05-20-2013 at 07:56 AM (1103 Views)
The drivers going around/through downtown are the absolute worse. I don't know if it's worse on the interstate or on the streets going through.
Moral of the story: People in Tennessee Can't Drive. (Except for me. And my dad. I learned from my dad, hence I'm a really good driver). Or maybe it's just Nashville. IDK about how other Metropolitan areas are - Knoxville can be pretty bad sometimes and calling that place and Chattanooga a Metropolis is kind of a joke considering how... -not- big they are. At least compared to Nashville & Memphis.
Anywho. P stayed the night. Her and Jay are now BFFs. And she's got him wrapped around her pinky like she does with pretty much everyone else that meets her.
We met my sister @ the Mazda dealership downtown (Jay needed an oil change) and got P & her stuff. Walked down the street a bit to this kinda hole-in-the-wall BBQ joint called Rooster's - turned out to be really good and not terribly expensive. Annnnnd because my sweet child is again - spoiled - the bartender turned the tv channel to NickJr so that P could watch "Diego" .... She put it on both t.v.s that were in the place.
I made Jay tip her like $20 (on $65) 'cuz she was really cool.
So afterwards, we took Peepers to Toys R Us and Jay let her pick out a toy. I had to use the bathroom and he was like "Go! We're going to look at toys." lol She was very meticulous about looking at -everything- and without anyone mentioning the price, she automatically knew that the bigger stuff was too expensive (a lego set said it had 100 pieces in it & she said "Oh no no no. That's like $10,000 mommy." lmao). She ended up picking out a La La Loopsy (whatever that is. The dolls eerily remind me of Coraline) play set thing. It was like $40. Jay bought it anyway.
.. Along with classic Monopoly. Yayyyy no mas electronic banking bullshit! You know they're getting rid of the Iron for good and replacing it with a -cat-!? You can't do that! That's like... Blasphemous!
Anywho. We got home, and I'd decided it'd be really fun to get a log and throw it in the grill and roast marshmallows and hot dogs & make s'mores & stuff.
Bad Idea. Bad bad bad.
I ended up buying 1 of those 2 hr logs that's not really made of wood.. Which was ok, I guess.
But sweet baby Jesus it was hot on our balcony. The already 200 degree heat & humidity mixed with the heat from the log was suffocating. It was fun, but we all ran inside as soon as we were done doing the whole "campfire" thing.
Then it was movie time. My sister had sent P's new sleeping bag with her, so Jay got his Army sleeping bag out. We slid the coffee table to the side, they laid them out, and we watched "The Croods", "Finding Nemo" and a couple of episodes of the last season of Sailor Moon and ate popcorn.
Yep. My child likes to watch Sailor Moon. In Japanese. She's so weird.
Parker mostly played with Jay though. She ended up getting in his sleeping bag with him and snuggled up with him.
And she even told him "I love you". It was so freaking cute.
She also wanted to sleep in our bed with us. I didn't think that was the best idea with Jay still being new, so I let her fall asleep in our bed, then I moved her into her new room and slept with her on the bed in there - just in case she woke up scared and feeling lost.
Annnd as soon as 8:30 a.m. rolled around, she was up and in our room jumping on Jay to get him up. I fixed breakfast, we all played some more - I kinda fell asleep 'cuz 8:30 is still too early for me even though I went to sleep at midnight and didn't drink much.
We took her to lunch at Chuck E Cheese (their food is ridiculously expensive. $7 for the salad bar and an extra $2 for like 2 oz. of pre-cooked chicken? You gotta be kidding me!). It was so crowded and hot in there, though. There were like 5 birthday parties going on at once and then 192802934 regular customers with their kids. Thankfully, as soon as we ran out of tokens, P was ready to go.
We met my sister at 6 yesterday. Parker cried -a lot- when it was time to leave. It was pitiful. We told her next time she comes, we can maybe go to Target or the Mall and let her pick out a pretty new outfit and go to dinner.
She was so worn out she started crying again and complained that my sister only wants to go out to dinner with JeeJee (her GF) and always leaves -her- somewhere else.
I'm not sure how true that is, but I'm betting she's telling the truth.
But whatever. Jay's last 4 day weekend this month is this coming weekend, but we won't have Parker again until the week after that - which sucks. Jay & I were planning to take her to the Shittastic Nashville Zoo & then the Aquarium Restaurant in Opry Mills Mall for dinner the next day. Oh well.
Anywho... Pics!