I'm Off My Game
, 07-17-2013 at 08:37 AM (721 Views)
I never cook bad food.
I treied making Coq Au Vin Blanc, but the pot was bad so it made the whole thing taste really awful. Like burnt awful. And I'm really upset about it. I'm afraid of cooking now.
-_-; *dies*
Also... My Friend Pobz drunk dialed me. It's always fun when he calls. He only calls when he's drunk 'cuz he's a total Raj Koothrapali - can't talk to chicks unless he's drunk.
But. I've known My Friend Pobz for like 3 years. I totes get how he thinks. So when he says "Annnnd now I'm sober. I gtg." I'm just like "ok bye!" lol ... It was funny though. Last night he was like "See? You actually get me." ... And then blah blah blah, we finally got off the phone and then it all got sappy and junk. He was all "See maybe one day I'll actually ask you out." and I'm like "But see... You won't. 'Cuz what would happen is... We'd get trashed, -probably- hook up, and then it'd be weird after that and that would kinda suck."
And said "See? You totes get me" and then I said "Yeap. I think I'm gonna have a Pobz moment and regret this entire convo in the morning. I have a feeling it's gonna be awkward and we didn't even hook up." and then he LOL'd and we talked about Beavis & Butthead (He sounds like butthead, I swear) and 90's music until I passed out.
But anywho.