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Small Girl, Big Life


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There's a reason I keep to myself. There's a reason I avoid going out to bars & clubs like the Bubonic Plague. There's a reason I dont keep close friends other than my bestie I've had for 18 yrs.

And once again, some shit went down that helped me remember why I am that way.

I'll try to keep this short, though it'll be hard.

I have 2 "best friends" here - A & C. We work together. We hang out all the time. A has a v. serious girlfriend & C has.... H.

H has been incredibly jealous of C's friendship with A cuz theyre so close. Theyve never hooked up or anything, they just talk. Alot. Hunt hates A. C is constantly irritated over it because it means she kinda has to sneak around to hang out with A outside of work. H tries forbidding her to hang with A, but it never works.

Last Saturday:
C & I got done w our dinner shift & decided to kick back in our restaurant's bar while we waited for A to get off. Cuz our bartender is cool as sht, she gave C like 10 shots of Crown & only charged for 2, & I drank 3 tall Miller Lites & 3 Crown & Cokes (only paid for 1 of each).

C is already on her way to being totally abducted by the time the 3 of us meet up w her BF & his roomies at the. The guys are already pretty lit & C proceeds to drink herself into Oblivion. My buzz was gone by then mostly in spite of the beer I had @ club. A hardly drank.

For some strange reason, H decides to invite A over for beer pong. Apparently he promised C he'd be cool and not flip out. We go. C goes straight to bed & passes out. A mentions it being awkward w/out C there to kinda buffer the tension between him & H. I tell him he can totes leave if he wants to. I get along with the guys, so I was gonna stay there & had been asked to watch the Superbowl w em. Plus H's lil bro T was there & I absolutely -love- him. He's cool as shit for a 15 yr old.

T & I head outside to smoke a cigarette. I ask A if he wants to go so he's not alone inside. He declines. I go on.

Come back inside, there's blood -all over- the kitchen floor. H ****ed A up. Hard. H is ex-military and he's a tank. A's head was busted wide open. C refuses to wake up cuz she's so hammered. I flip out. H says he hit A cuz A admitted he knew H & C were a couple when he stayed the night w C in her old spot.

A & I go to the hospital. It's like 2:30/3 am. I chugged a few more beers on the way to calm my nerves some. A gets a CT Scan to check for brain injury, stitches, & staples on top.

His head was split down to his skull. The dr. pulled his scalp back & we could see the bone. It was gruesome, to say the least.

We spend a grand total of 6-ish hrs in the hospital - leave at 8:30 am. My spot is on A's way home, so we just come here to hang out for awhile and wait on his gf, J to get there.

Last Night:
I've been off since Sunday. Managed to stop stressing over the A situation even though I hadnt heard from him since Sun afternoon (phone was off). Roll into work a bit early, talk to C briefly before she leaves w H on her break (she hates him now entirely) to finally talk to him. She also tells me that H planned tge whole thing - but that it was supposed to be 1 of his roomies that ****ed him up, not H.

4:45 rolls around when the majority of the dinner shift servers start rolling in. I ask a co-worker I'm semi close to for a cigarette. He says he doesnt have one. I ask the guy we're standing with for one. That's when he tells me no, because he's been hearing a lot of bad things about me all week.

They both inform me that -everyone- thinks C & I played a part of some sort in setting A up for that, if we didnt just plan tge whole thing ourswlves. The culprit behind the story used to be part of our circle. She's also madly in love w A and used to be best friends with C... Until I came along and C and I became super close - closer than C ever was w this girl. I think jealousy is playing a gigantic role in the whole situation. The more the 3 of us girls hung out, the more obvious it was becoming that ex-friend is an extremely immature, simple-minded, irresponsible gullible -child-. Not to mention a pretty crappy mom and an extremely dirty person (Hoarders aint got shit on this bitch's house).

Anyway, back to last night. I explain the -real- situation to the co-worker, since he's the official "Voice of Reason" & can smooth over just about every situation.

Regardless, C & I are pretty much rendered nonexistant amongst all but a very small handful of servers.

Now, I could care less what ppl think. They werent there. I was. Guilty people get mad and overly defensive. not those who did nothing wrong.

On the other hand, I left high school 10 yrs ago almost. I dont do "He Said, She Said". Nor have I played that "Telephone" game since I was like.. 12. I left all tgat behind when I got out of high school.

On the other hand, I'm a bit flattered that these people think I'm "gangster" enough to to orchestrate a "set up" like that.

Add that to my already long list of reasons why I avoid going out & making friends.

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  1. LocoColt04's Avatar
    You've got mad mafia skills to orchestrate that whole thing while completely unaware of the situation. Serious voodoo shit.

    But really, that whole situation is right ****ed up. Sorry that A got the blunt end of it.
  2. noxious.sunshine's Avatar
    I'm a Ninja muh****a.

    LOLz I was a tad um. under the influence last night after I got home from work and I texted said Sneaky Bitch.

    I said "word on the street is that you think C & I set up A. Just to clarify, we didn't. You could've been grown enough to come to me yourself instead of talking shit at work. BTDubs, A, C, & I are -still- best friends. And to make -1- more thing clear, I ain't got shit to do with what goes on between you & C. Leave me out of it. I ain't done shit to you, and in fact, have tried to be nothing less than a good friend to you."

    And on and on and on.

    I got no response from her. LOL.. Bitch knows she's a dumbass.