'Cuz I'z Just Kiddin' Guyz....
, 06-01-2013 at 02:41 AM (1354 Views)
Anywho. New post just to scooch the other one down the line a bit and get it somewhat outta the way.
I will say this, and that's it. I'm over it - I'm fine. Like I said, there's a lot going on that's really put a strain on me lately and my nerves have been on the fritz for the last couple of weeks - that whole situation just was kinda .. A little too much extra to put up with.
BUT, I really appreciate everyone's comments and messages. Quite a few people I kind of didn't expect to be so nice & supportive (lol sorry if that came out wrong) really surprised me. So thanks, guys. <3 y'all muchos.
Moving on now. We pretty much spent our grocery budget on lunch & dinner today. I don't know -what- planet Jay's been living on, but it's like he went completely stupid. He got paid & I was looking forward to taking P shopping for a couple of new outfits & things to keep here at our place (so that my sister doesn't have to pack a bag for her everytime) and new bedding for the full size mattress we have in her room. Yeah. -That- didn't happen. We're not totally broke, he's getting another $500 tomorrow from someone who owes him money, but yeah.
He was dying to go eat sushi at the place across the street, but they don't have chicken tempura, which is about the only thing P will eat in a Japanese restaurant besides Edamame. All they have for kids is like Chicken Teriyaki. So, we got edamame to share and for whatever reason, we ordered probably $40 worth of sushi, then P's meal (I just had them make the chicken without the teriyaki sauce on it), Jay ordered some kind of like $20 steak & shrimp whatever & -I- got chicken & shrimp.
Uhhh yeah. It was ridiculous. All 3 meals came with soup & salad - P actually tried the miso soup and -liked- it & of course, ate all of her salad. And she ate a good deal of the chicken, surprisingly enough.
She wanted dessert. I told her she could only get it if she ate a piece of sushi (I know. I'm horrible). XD I tore off a small piece of yellow fin tuna and gave it to her - she didn't like it, naturally.
We got her Mochi. She didn't eat much of it, though she enjoyed it.
Our bil? $110. I nearly fell over when I looked at it. Jay was like "Hellll no I'm not leaving a big tip".. I wanted to dispute that and tell him not to do that, but I -always- make him leave like 30% when we go out if the service is good, so I just let it slide this time.
And then dinner, we'd promised P last week we'd take her to the Aquarium Restaurant in Opry Mills Mall so that she could see all the fish and stuff. Jay & I really didn't want to go, but I kind of snapped at him that we'd not only promised we'd take her, but the stupid mall is also an hour away and closes at 9. And I know the kid isn't from here and rarely ventures downtown, but Jesus H., it's not that freaking hard to get to Opry Mills. Jump on 24 E, get on Briley Pkwy, -stay- on Briley, follow the signs to Opry Mills. I told him that and still he kept asking me, "I don't need to get off on 65 or anything?" and I'm like "Yeah do that. We can totes go to Louisville, asshole."
But we got there. And spent 30 minutes looking for a parking space (and I was once again reminded of -why- I hate Nashville so much). I hadn't been to Opry Mills since before the flood in 2010. It just barely re-opened last Summer, so it was nice to see it all again. They've actually done a lot of store upgrading in general - there's more high-end factory outlets (Ralph Lauren, BCBG, Calvin Klein, Coach, and of course Off 5th and several other places). I'm excited for H&M to open up this week and apparently there's a Zumiez now ( I -loved- shopping at Zumiez when I lived in Phoenix).
ANywho, Parker was completely enthralled with the fish tank. The host sat us at a table right in front of it. She was so into it & being wild at the same time, I nearly threw my butter knife at her head 'cuz she would -not- freaking focus on picking out what she wanted to eat or listen to me. Jay and I weren't really hungry - we were still stuffed from lunch. OMG they were both on my last nerve this evening and I never get this annoyed with my daughter.
Yet somehow our bill was still almost $80. We'd each gotten an appetizer, soup, I got a caesar salad and we each got a mixed drink & P's grilled cheese. Thankfully Jay left like $15 for the tip this time.
She fell asleep in the car on the way home. I didn't even bother changing her clothes (she has on a dress anyway), just carried her up and tucked her into bed. I've been sleeping with her since there's actually 2 mattress sets pushed together. She's now completely on my side snuggled up next to me.
My behbeh really is awesome, htough. I really didn't feel good at all this morning and could barely get out of bed and she was soo freaking sweet. She was like "Mommy, do you want one of my Capri Suns? I'm so sorry you don't feel good." and like tucked me in and snuggled up with me to watch movies while I kind of slept a little bit.
Meh. That's it. Nothing interesting really. Just lots of fluff and pointless details. I'm exhausted and delirious and unable to fall asleep in spite of waking up in probably 2 hours.