Food Pr0n of the Day.
, 07-04-2013 at 03:08 AM (657 Views)
I'm not a big junk food/sweet things eater.
But you sit a tub of Mayfield brand ice cream in front of me - regardless of what flavor - and I will consume it all.
Yes. I'm very picky about my ice cream.
Sure I like me some Cold Stone or Baskin Robbins or B & J's 1/2 baked sometimes, but -nothing-, NOTHING, compares to my Mayfield.
It is also the only brand of milk that I will willingly consume. Otherwise, forget it. Unfortunately, Mayfield does not ship their milk to Nashville. Only their ice cream and only to certain places/stores. According to my dad, they -could- ship their milk here, but it actually failed in a taste test and therefore they decided not to try selling their milk here. If anyone knows any differently, then feel free to correct me.
Their plant is in my hometown (essentially), which I generally loathe, save for this.
And without further ado:
*Insert Cutting Crew*
I..... I just died in your arms tonight........
Now. Moose Tracks became my favorite flavor of ice cream practically before it came out. I remember my mother buying me these 1.5 quart containers and I would pick around it eating out the little Reese's cups and chocolate swirls to get down to the -1- very large chunk of chocolate that rests somewhere in the bottom like a Golden Ticket from Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory. .... While playing Spyro the Dragon.
Obviously my parents had no sense when it came to nutrition for children 'cuz us kids ate whatever the hell fekk we wanted as long as we ate breakfast & dinner. I digress.
Yet again, I found this gem in the freezer at Publix, who coincidentally is the -only- store in Clarksville that sells Mayfield Ice Cream... And probably the only store ever to sell flavors other than Vanilla and Chocolate. I was wary to try this. I thought they were seriously f*cked in the head for messing with my Moose Tracks, but I gave it a shot anyway.
And it was amazing. And I've already threatened my boyfriend and my very awesome wonderful friend Sean that they are not allowed to touch my ice cream unless they're feeling suicidal.
I will kill them.