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Small Girl, Big Life

Wait What.

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Soooo.. I guess I'm moving to NYC - Queens... For a month or two anyway.

Jay got a good job offer up there plus the school he wants to go to. And he wants me to go.

I'm a nervous wreck about it all. I don't really want to go. I -just- got back to TN in April, but according to him it's way easier to find a job and I'll be able to save money and fly home a weekend or two a month to see my baby... Which is about how often I see her anyway. Some months I only get her one time cuz she's so busy with dance, gymnastics, church, play dates, etc.

But... I've been to New York -1- time. When I was 7 and my dad took me with him in the truck for a week back when he hauled Sea Ray boats. We didn't visit or sight see or anything other than what could be seen from the truck (cuz NYC is a bitch for truck drivers to get through directly).

IDK... I'm not 20 and childless anymore like when I packed up and moved to Phoenix. And I was stoked to move. Going out west, where'd I'd -never- been in my life (I'd been as far west as Dallas, but thats it), living in the desert... Yeah. That's was exciting. Phoenix is relatively spread out for being a large city.

I've been to Jerzey. It was cramped and I felt really claustrophobic . I imagine NYC will be the same.

Anywho... I gotta figure out how to tell my family cuz apparently we gotta start packing shit for the shipping service today & wash pretty much all of our clothes and bedding and stuff.


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  1. LocoColt04's Avatar
    I thought you weren't leaving Tennessee again?!


    I don't know about it being "way easier" to find a job in New York. I've got friends who spent six months up there looking for work before they finally got it; but, to be fair, it was degree-oriented work and they were having to pick up odd jobs to fill time until they got the jobs they were looking seeking. I assume it's not impossible; minimum wage jobs are probably relatively easy to get up there. I could ask Pete if he's got any insight for you, if he knows anyone who might be hiring, but I don't know who might want to hire someone who would only be in town for a month or so.
  2. noxious.sunshine's Avatar
    It's just a test run. If I find a job and I don't totally hate and am not miserable & can work it out w coming home then I'll stick around... For awhile. I'm not staying for no damn 3 yrs tho .. uh uh. I at least plan to save money to get some stuff fixed financially and save for a place of my own here in TN and then I'll come back and we'll just have to take turns flying back and forth.

    But ... As far as leaving TN again, I rly have no choice. It's either stay and be homeless or go and have a roof over my head.
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