Dreams of flowers and zombies.
, 10-05-2012 at 11:00 AM (1603 Views)
Why is it that the best things come from dreams? I've always wanted to be a writer...but I'm extremely critical of myself...so it never works out. Though, once before, I ended up dreaming of a magazine for a website I was a part of, and I created it...and it almost worked out, though, I had it kicking ass, but my partner kinda pooped it up, then I lost interest lol BUT ON TO THE POINT I OF THIS BLOG!
Last night, I had another zombie dream...cept this one was actually pretty cool. I managed to string it together better and make it a bit more coherent after I woke up (since people in my dreams tend to change their identities CONSTANTLY...and I never notice lol)
Here's a basic little summary of the idea I have now (for a possible story I will never finish out of shame). The basic idea is that it starts at the beginning of whatever happens (the event horizon being on TWD level apocalypse, the world turns to shit, more or less) and follows the main character as he builds a group/family that constantly loses members as the story goes on. Towards the end, the population of zombies seems to have dwindled to about the same as, or less than the living, the idea being that the dead aren't the most dangerous enemies to worry about.
It started with the MC and a friend walking along this highway as a string of cars all go by, heading in the same direction. None of the people are friendly and they all seem to be running from something (which doesn't make much sense, since there are never more than a few zombies around through the whole dream, but maybe it was just a metaphor my brain was making) so we follow the slower people at the end of this large caravan to this building where everyone sets up.
Obviously, the thing doesn't last long as zombies get in and kill off a bunch of people (mainly the ones treating other people as zombie bait or what ever) as a small group makes it out with the MC. The building was on the outskirts of some city that looks kinda like a war zone (the dream seems to go from the beginning to long after the world went to hell awfully fast, though the it felt like I had only been in it for a few weeks or so...the time line is still kinda screwy and needs work) then my friend from before and I go ahead of the group as scouts. We end up finding this hospital/research facility type place that more or less forces us to stay. They end up having ulterior motives, planning on forcing us to be guinea pigs for some experiments. Of course, some zombies the researchers had caged up escape (AT THE EXACT TIME WE HAPPEN TO BE CAPTURED) allowing us to escape.
Then it kinda shifts to where I live, the group I'm with is my family now...****ing dreams. It seems we went on a journey to find a safe zone, and failed. So as we're gathering ourselves to discuss other plans, my cousin (who I am VERY close to, she's always been like a sister to me) and I get separated from the rest of the group in the middle of a town that seems to be filled with anarchists who are willing to kill the living more than the dead. We end up trying to sneak our way out, but get caught by a group of teenagers who turn out to actually be good, and fighting these gangs of people. We then travel around and...I woke up.
If this were a well done story...I think I really will work on this. Wish me luck and stuff. (I'm a bit vague on some of the stuff to prevent people from stealing my shitty idea that sucks)