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The Final Voyage of the Liquid Sky

Stuff stuff stuff

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Nothing much going on irl to report, same ole same ole. Though, unless plans fall through, expect an absence of stupidity for a couple of weeks, I'll be out of town. As I mentioned in a previous blog, I may be getting a job whilst I'm gone. If that happens...I'll be a ghost for a long while.

So, I magicked my internet "fixed". Messed with the latency and it's now stable and going at full speed, a blazing 44 kb/s with a massive 4~ kb/s download speed. Although most people say they couldn't survive on dial up...once you've experienced...whatever the hell was wrong, it's magical.

I recently started playing Tales of Phantasia again. I got to Dhaos in the past on my first play through and then stopped playing for whatever reason. I just got the techbirds and I'm starting on the various sidequests. The scene with Chester and his sister disturbed me a lot more than it did last year...

Also, since I can't save up money for a guitar, I'm considering buying a harmonica and learning to play. Everyone pretty much says it's easy, but I know nothing about one, though they are legit. My thirst for music just keeps growing...which sucks when you're down to no instruments. My current list of instruments I have srs bsns interest in goes like this: Acoustic guitar, electric guitar, bass guitar, mandolin, mandocello (a rare, expensive but beautiful sounding instrument), banjo and percussion. I BETTER GET A JOB SOON lol

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