Up in smoke
, 11-07-2012 at 04:16 PM (864 Views)
Election day is over, which finally means NO MORE REPUBLICAN CALLS! Thank ****ing God. If I ever find Mitt Romney's house phone number, I'm going to call him twice an hour, asking for his party affiliation. Anyway, though I don't expect anything special or unique to come of the election, there was one rather large step forward, the legalization of Marijuana in Colorado and Washington.
I know that there's still a long road ahead, and I know the Federal Government is going to try to fight it as hard as they can, hopefully after awhile, people will learn from example and realize the propaganda that's been going on for far too long. The billions of dollars wasted to fill prisons and jails with people guilty of nothing more than gardening.
This isn't some "OMG, NOW WE CAN ALL GET HIGH" rant, the prohibition of marijuana is one giant crock of shit. I'm sure the target will move to something else that's easy to regulate and make it look like our wonderful government is keeping all the dangerous criminals off the street, but it's one step forward, which is all the matters now.