, 01-11-2013 at 01:10 AM (976 Views)
Been awhile since my last update. I've been a bit of a psychological mess lately...some heavy shit has went down, one of the main components being that the girl I had a crush on is in a relationship... I've just been feeling incredibly lonely lately, and that was the nail in the coffin. I've realized I really have no one to talk to, my social life basically consists of small bits of small talk. Nothing of meaning...but that's more or less been my whole life. It just seems to be getting harder to continue this way...
On an unrelated note, Straight Talk Wireless ****ing sucks, do not involve yourself with this piece of shit of a company. Their unlimited everything plan blocks international texting/calling and pretty much any use you could have for internet access on a phone. No aps, no videos, you can't even attach videos or pictures bigger than 300kb to an email :/ gotta love wasting $120 when you're making shit...