, 12-27-2012 at 05:36 PM (961 Views)
I don't usually blog this often...and I'm not usually so depressing. Anyway, why is it so hard to say the right things to a person you like? My "friend" is fairly insecure it seems...and I'm sucking as far as advice and stuff goes. I'm usually pretty good at lending a helping hand...but I'm too afraid to say the wrong thing. Also a hard book to read sometimes...just so many things going against me, not to mention the fact that said "friend" isn't really interested in a relationship. I don't know the whole story, but another friend said he was in love with her and she quit talking to him, albeit he was a really clingly type. One reason I'm taking so many precautions to not seem like I'm clinging and shit...but it almost makes me come off as distanced.
So, as it stands:
I'm much much less attractive of a person, I'm ****ing up what to say, they live in in another country (though closer than my ex who was in the same about 1800 miles xD) and they're not interested. **** my brain for wanting companionship...