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The Final Voyage of the Liquid Sky


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Yay, I relapsed into an old addiction last night. Gotta love it. You can never truly kick an addiction once it takes hold, it's always there. Every time I think it's gone, every damn time I think I'm over it... Meh...anyway, other than that, not much to report on my end, still just as bland and boring as always.

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  1. Rowan's Avatar
    have you tried substituting this addiction with another addiction that isnt as bad? It can work.
  2. Yoko's Avatar
    Depends on the addiction. I have a lot of experience with this. I've kicked a few addictions in my time. Time is the best medicine. If you want to talk about it, send over a PM .
  3. Lacquer Head's Avatar
    It's not really replaceable and meh, not an addiction I like to talk all >_>
    thanks for the offer though, it's nice to receive lol

    Actually, I take that back, when I have stuff to booze or weed they usually suppress it quit well. Hell, if I have something to do during the day it can help...but nothing to be found.