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The Final Voyage of the Liquid Sky

Stuff stuff stuffington

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So, last blog I mentioned relapsing. I seemed to have gotten back on track for a bit...but I fell back into it hard, and well...can't stop \o/ but I'm working on it again. I need to get a life...might help since I have nothing at all to do during the day.

Speaking of which, on an awesome note, it looks like your humble narrator is employed...unless something bad happens...increased paranoia sure sucks \o/

Gonna work at a gas station, aww yeah.

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  1. Michael Swayne's Avatar
    Congrats on the employment! Is it a family-run gas station, or one of those 1st Stops that have been popping up all over our area lately?
  2. Lacquer Head's Avatar
    1st stop xD damn the cantrell's...
  3. Michael Swayne's Avatar
    I couldn't help but laugh when I read that. Well, good luck. One of my brother's friends worked at the one in Peebles and after two or three years of working there, she was accused of stealing. When the video tapes proved that it was someone else, they apologized and offered her job back to her. Needless to say, she refused.

    They're thinking of building one in Sinking Spring within the next 2-3 years.

    Anyway, the reason I asked was because I was going to try to get you to maybe talk whoever runs the place in to advertising. But...1st Stop doesn't run ads because they throw all their advertising dollars at that Red Barn Convention Center they have in Seaman (I think that's where it is). Just a place to put that Cantrell singing group that can't get a gig anywhere else, if you ask me.