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Romance film issue

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So, my little sis leaving apparently has more adverse effects than originally perceived. Now, being stuck in house with the anti romance guild which consists of a raucous band of brothers, and a rigid mother, the watching of romance films is practically a crime. Esmeralda (the name of my perfect, cute, little sister) recommended I watch a film with Mel Gibson called "What Women Want" After much embarrassment, I have acquired said film (rental). Now, here's the clincher. I have no time to watch it, as my time is constantly being encroached upon by the anti-romance guild (mentioned above).
Now, I'm kind of a "Okay, I'll relinquish my hold on the telly because I want everyone around me to be enjoying themselves rather than scowling every couple minutes and making fun of what I'm watching and, in a way, making fun of me for watching it.
This is a colossal problem. I mean, when Esmeralda was here, everyone did everything they could to accommodate her (It was a magical part of her personality. Everyone loved being in her presence and no one wanted that cute face to ever make a frown).
Now that she's gone, I'm going to have to figure this out
I recently watched "Bernie" with Jack Black and this situation reminds me a lot of that movie. Am I being too nice for my own good?

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