Holy Stuffed Grape Leaves, Batman!
, 09-25-2012 at 12:47 AM (1122 Views)
Mmmm, I simply maust mention my new favorite recipe. It seemed kinda complicated at first, but in retrospect, it actually wasn't.
It's basically mixing raw ground beef with uncooked rice, a large finely chopped onion, mint, and parsley and then forming it into little balls and wrapping them in grape leaves. You pretty much abandon this mess in a pan with a bit of water on the stove for 25 minutes.
The addition of grape leaves was really what drew me to the recipe. We used to have a little grape tree in our yard, it was a hideous, gnarled -looking thing, and its grapes never seemed to get any bigger than a rabbit turd (pardon the crude humor, no, wait, never mind, I'm sure Adam Sandler has already numbed your senses) so the only thing I liked about the tree were its shiny, pretty little leaves, which I made a point of stuffing in my gollum-toothed mouth quite often...
Well, now I've spilled those rather boring beans, I'd like to talk about my latest sketch. It is sooooo good I can't wait to color it in! (that would probably be better, seeing as how my scanner is a piece of malfunctioning cheap plastic scrap-pile unworthy of touching my work.
I wonder how much longer I'll put up with it...? :/