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3vil Chef.

In the beginning there was light...

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It's so dark and lonely here. It's becoming sos I almost believe Light was my only reason for signing in day after day...
"ENOUGH ALREADY", cry the Cyan masses, "shut up about it. Find another subject, or perish where you fall."
Okay, fine.
So, today I'm waiting on one of my few loyal friends to upload something so I can see it. I've only just heard about it, but I feel I've been waiting ages - that can't be right, right?
This just shows the level of boredom I've sunk to. I guess I'll go greet more random people, but it never really helps. People lose interest, or, more likely, have already pigeon-holed you as a ditsy art-promoting liar because you hounded them somewhat relentlessly about joining your contest and promised them riches while delivering moot. And it wasn't your fault, ya ditsy liar, because the whole forums ganged up and did an upgrade dance? Yeah, it happens to everyone!
Grit excayuse, garl!

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