I'm feeling vaguely unappreciated...
, 09-25-2012 at 09:49 PM (1076 Views)
Insecure Cyan: "I'm feeling vaguely unappreciated...^.^"
Independent Cyan: "We've always walked alone, you weakling. What set you off this time, girly?"
Insecure Cyan: "Well. There's really no one I can talk to ever since my sis moved out."
Independent Cyan, nodding. "Yeah. I suppose an insect could consider that rough."
Insecure Cyan: "Yeah. That's not what's bothering me... really" *Dramatic instrumental music*
Independent Cyan: "Could we speed this up?"
Insecure Cyan: "I've given 30-something likes and only received like 8 or something?"
Independent Cyan, pausing as though about to console her alternate-self: "That's so stupid I could throw pizza-crust at you."
Insecure Cyan. "You know me so well, I should've known you'd see through that. What's really bothering me is..." *dramatic instrumental music reaching crescendo* "I...don't think we should see each other anymore, Stefan."
Independent Cyan: "Too much vampire diaries. figures. Stop watching that. Aren't you supposed to be coloring in your latest sketch, you weepy wench?"
Insecure Cyan, brightening up: "Yes! I'd forgotten about that. I'll do that now!"