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3vil Chef.

I'm feeling vaguely unappreciated...

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Insecure Cyan: "I'm feeling vaguely unappreciated...^.^"
Independent Cyan: "We've always walked alone, you weakling. What set you off this time, girly?"
Insecure Cyan: "Well. There's really no one I can talk to ever since my sis moved out."
Independent Cyan, nodding. "Yeah. I suppose an insect could consider that rough."
Insecure Cyan: "Yeah. That's not what's bothering me... really" *Dramatic instrumental music*
Independent Cyan: "Could we speed this up?"
Insecure Cyan: "I've given 30-something likes and only received like 8 or something?"
Independent Cyan, pausing as though about to console her alternate-self: "That's so stupid I could throw pizza-crust at you."
Insecure Cyan. "You know me so well, I should've known you'd see through that. What's really bothering me is..." *dramatic instrumental music reaching crescendo* "I...don't think we should see each other anymore, Stefan."
Independent Cyan: "Too much vampire diaries. figures. Stop watching that. Aren't you supposed to be coloring in your latest sketch, you weepy wench?"
Insecure Cyan, brightening up: "Yes! I'd forgotten about that. I'll do that now!"

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  1. Dodie16's Avatar
    Coloring... Probably my least favorite part of art, weird as that is to say. So time consuming. But the results are nice. Can't wait to see your new piece if you decide to post it!