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3vil Chef.


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In perusing the 'forum rules' I came across the NSFW paragraph and noticed that perhaps my 'intended' sketch contest submission could be misconstrued as a bit...suggestive. (I have no idea what's considered 'suggestive', so I asked OceanEyes and am waiting on her response. I hope she answers in the next three hours...
This is my first blog. It should be a momentous occasion, but I'm still hung up over the loss of my journals. Apparently I'm not allowed to post new entries. (even after I reread those exhausting rules). *waaaaa!*

So, now, not only am I doubtful of my contest submission, but I'm not allowed to properly whine about it.
Also, as the 'Light edition' isn't available yet, I'm straining to recognize familiar land-marks in all this shadowy rubble. But at least the forums is still here. Huzzah.

EDIT: so this post was supposed to be in here....I think.

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