And yet it's still not as good as Twilight.
, 10-24-2013 at 08:54 PM (818 Views)
While I am knocking back my second strawberry milkshake of the night, I encourage you to check out starquake's twitch channel right now. He goes by another name here at TFF. He's playing some game I've never heard of, and it seems interesting. I always try to catch him while he's playing so I can watch it live, but this is maybe the second time I've succeeded. Anyway, watch and be amazed!
The clock is counting down before the poll closes and the winner will be named for the Talent Competition. Since yesterday's entry, there hasn't been any change to my standings. I am still tied for first place.
(He just won again! Yay!)
Back to what I was saying. The poll closes at around 3:30pm EDST tomorrow afternoon. So that's about 16 hours from now. If you get the chance, toss a vote my way and help me win a copy of the upcoming Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD.
In other news...
I left at the usual time this morning. And I finished the residential route at 6:30am. But because the magazines I would be delivering along with the papers to the businesses were locked up in the office, I had to wait for someone to unlock the place so I could finish. I waited two hours for that to happen.
(Oh no! He lost)
During that two hours, the temperature dropped about 10 degrees. I made a place for myself on the shelf and propped my head on a bundle of extra papers. Then I put my arms in my coat and took a nap for 30 minutes. It would have been longer had I not gotten so cold. I had nothing to do, because I didn't think I would have needed it. Eventually the owner came and I was able to finish my work.
After that, I deposited my check as well as some of my cash, and went to Grandma's. There, she and I chatted while watching The Price is Right while Dad and my brother worked on a truck. I was still so tired, that I nearly fell asleep on Grandma's couch. I felt awake again once I ate a few cookies. Then Dad took my brother and me home.
As soon as I came back in the house from putting my bike in the garage, I fell asleep in my room. I think someone called while I was sleeping. I answered the phone, but I know nothing of the conversation. When the phone rang again a short time later, I answered and remembered everything.
(Another loss. It was well fought.)
I received Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded in the mail today. I read a bit about it today, and I don't know if I am going to like it. The thought of having to go through all of the things I did in the original again kinda puts me off playing it. But I am sure that the game has some twist to make it interesting.
Tomorrow I am delivering in Sinking Spring. After that, I am not sure what to do. I will probably try to find ways to stay cool as the house is so hot now that the wood stove is running. I have my ceiling fan on right now to try and lower the temperature from the 90 it is right now. That's also why I have been making and drinking milkshakes. I am hot, and since I have so much ice cream still, why not make something cool to consume.
I don't know how U and Omega can stand being in the house. U has been getting closer and closer to the stove ever since it was lit. He will probably turn out like Bit Bit did, and sweat off all of what little fat he may have on him. And Omega just doesn't want to be outside. He's like, "Anything is better than being out there in the cold."
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...