Mambo de Chocobo...
, 06-08-2014 at 04:51 AM (755 Views)
The 3DS arrived yesterday. Joey was showing his envy when I took it out of the box. He's mad because now he isn't the only one with a 3DS in the house. He's already tried grabbing it out of my hands to break it. The poor thing, he doesn't even realize that he has nothing to worry about. I'm not planning on buying a Wii U, so he will still have something that I don't have. Really all he is angry about is the fact that I have something that will give him less attention. He's afraid that no one will play with him anymore because he isn't the only one with a cool toy. But when people are over, they always come and play with my things; so...I don't know.
Anyway, I played Theatrhythm Final Fantasy in my free time yesterday. I like it. There's not much to say about it. I touch the screen in time with music I have heard for years. I have earned more than 2000 rhythmia so far using Zidane (leader), Firion, Tidus, and Lightning. For anyone interested, my 3DS friend code is 0190-0365-7677. I will make a post in the multiplayer gaming thread as well after this is posted. The other two 3DS games I am getting still haven't arrived, so I will be jamming to Final Fantasy music until then.
Drakengard 3's ending still eludes me. I can't seem to get through the first sequence with One. I don't want to use a video, but I may have to. It is really just delaying me from writing the review at this point. I did manage to install the DLC chapters last night before I went to sleep. I haven't played any of them, but I will try it if I get a free moment today.
Carma and I were going to pull up carpet yesterday, but we discovered that there is a metal plate under the carpet covering a giant hole in the floor. So we are going to wait to remove the carpet until we can get someone to put in new flooring. So instead of pulling up carpet, I mowed the yard yesterday. I did the whole yard in one go, and sunburned my knees as a result. My shorts were riding up and showing skin that normally doesn't see light. It will be fine though. It already has tanned and matches the rest of what I show in public. My arms look darker as well.
The plan today is to pull up carpet in the living room. I really don't see why we're doing this. I prefer walking on carpet rather than wooden floors. But I am not going to voice my opinion out loud. After all, I don't own the house, and I will help out however I can. Again, I will play some sort of video game if I get the time, but I doubt I will have much time. I normally end up doing the majority of the work. Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...