My eyes aren't wanting to stay open...
, 06-10-2014 at 10:06 PM (1023 Views)
I am going to try and get back to my normal posting habits of posting before bed rather than after I wake up in the mornings. So...let's see how long this sticks. Let's begin with my current status in Drakengard 3. Well, I have finished the DLC chapters for Five, Four, Three, and Two. The chapter for Zero is finished other than raising Zero to level 10. I haven't done the chapter for One yet because there are no trophies associated with it. But that's not the only reason. I am not some base trophy hunter. No, I just haven't done it because I don't like One. Speaking of which, I really enjoyed the Two chapter. I felt it the most emotional and heart-grabbing of the chapters I've done so far. It really answered my questions I had of Two during the main game.
I earned quite a lot of gold raising the Intoners' levels up to 10. So much that I only have 16 weapons left to upgrade to their maximum levels. In order to upgrade everything one level, I need another 811,100 gold. On the bright side, I have upgraded all of the spears and bracers. All I can do is upgrade one weapon at a time. I will have to do the requests that offer the highest payout in the least amount of time in order to finish the task quickly. As for those requests, I only have two that are still incomplete. Those two are the third and fourth survival matches. I tried the third, but was unable to pass the second round.
Home life is okay right now. Joey is back to spending the nights at his Aunt's house. She and her kids came back from their vacation last night. Carma has a job promotion interview tomorrow morning, so Joey will be gone until Thursday. And I am not sure if Carma will be coming home tomorrow either. She packed some clothes along with her usual things. She said she'd change into them before the interview rather than coming back here just to change.
There was a storm this evening, that cut out the Internet and satellite here. I was a little (lot) worried about how it was looking outside, so I sent a message to Mom asking what the damage would be. She said it would pass quickly, and it did. I am glad, because I still don't know where the basement is in this house. I know there is one, because I have been told there is one. But I keep myself to a minimum amount of rooms, and it just doesn't feel right to wander around the house. Anyway, it probably wouldn't do any good to go to the basement. The house is so old that I would probably be putting myself into my grave should a tornado actually touch down.
Well, that's about it for now. My plan for tomorrow is to switch the lights on my bike to the other one. And then there's always Drakengard 3 to work on. I also should work on pulling up the nails and screws that were holding down the carpet in the living room. Anyway, I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...