Yay, I can't sign in!
, 08-12-2014 at 06:15 AM (902 Views)
I spent the rainy day playing video games. It was quite a productive day. I earned several trophies for Jak II and Skyrim. I am two trophies away from completing the story of Jak II. Exactly how many missions there before earning those trophies, I don't know. As for Skyrim, I read my 50th Skill Book. And I began the long journey to becoming a high-ranking member of the Thieves Guild.
The score right now in the competition is now 25-0. The match ends in less than 12 hours, and I feel pretty confident I will win this match. But of course, winning doesn't mean anything. After this match, I will have actual competition. I think. I haven't updated my spreadsheets since my last loss. I just haven't felt like it.
I am having some real problems with the Internet here. I keep getting signed out of PSN as soon as I load up my profile. And any attempts at signing manually don't go through either. I did manage to sign in after 11pm last night. I was going to play some Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn but I was signed out after ten minutes of playing. I only had enough time to report in at the Arcanist's Guild and complete the mission I was on. I was signed out as I was running toward the next one. I didn't even get a chance to sign in to PlayStation Home afterward. I will just have to wait for the next billing cycle to be able to play for more than one hour at night.
Well, today will be spent watching Joey and playing video games. It will be a dreary and rainy day today, so video games seems like a nice activity today. So, I guess that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...