Working outside...
, 05-19-2014 at 04:24 AM (719 Views)
Yesterday was a busy day. I woke up and opened my bedroom door, and found Joey sitting in front of it, playing with some toys and waiting for me to wake up. We didn't play much because I had to feed the animals and take a shower. After that, it was time to work outside. I replaced the flat tire with a new inner tube. I had never done it before on the basket bikes, and I was nervous I would mess something up. I thought I would never get the nuts loosened with the wrench I had. I ended up getting Carma's tools out and using them to get the tire off. I couldn't find anything stuck in my tire, but I did find where it entered the tire. Then I put the new inner tube in, and took the bike for a test ride. After that, I put the tools away.
We mowed the yard, and picked up the trash in it. I walked down to my cousin's house (or rather, Dad's cousin) so he could show me how to work the weed eater Carma bought. Then we got the yard looking presentable. At the end of it all, I was given a key to the shed.
After all of our works was done, it was nearly 7pm. After Joey got his bath finished, we play LEGO City Undercover. And at 8:30pm, I was so tired that I went to bed. And it wasn't until 45 minutes ago that I woke up. Carma's voice woke me up, because she became frustrated over the fact that Joey doesn't keep his boots in one place. He wanted to wear his boots to school, but couldn't remember where he put them. Both Carma and I looked everywhere for them. In the end, we failed in our search, and Joey had to wear his tennis shoes to school.
My plans for today are to work on my save file of Sly 3. Other than that, I don't have any plans. I know someone is coming to use the lawn mower, and another person is coming to pick up that car Carma wants to take to the junkyard. Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...