I must hurry...
, 05-26-2014 at 04:26 AM (593 Views)
I didn't play a lot yesterday. The PS3 was on throughout most of the day, but I didn't have the controller in my hands. From the moment I opened my bedroom door, I was drowning in a sea of "I want's" and "Gimme's". It was really quite annoying. As long as the door is shut, I am in a peaceful zone. But as soon as it opens, that peace instantly goes away. The door is shut as I am typing this, and I have the feeling Joey is on the other side of it, waiting for me to "wake up".
We mowed the yard yesterday. I did most of the it, while Carma used the weed eater around the buildings. After we were finished, she said that I will be able to do the whole thing by myself from now on. I am okay with that. Then, we hauled all of the trash in the yard to the big pile.
Joey and I rode up the road to the farm. Joey wanted to go bother the person working there. I went along to make sure Joey didn't get hit by a car.
I did manage to reach Chapter 3 in Drakengard 3. There isn't much to say about it. It is becoming more vulgar as the story continues. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if they added a sex scene. Still, if the amount of dead Intoners is equivalent to the completion of the game, then I am 40% complete. I kind of hope that I am not that far along. It seems a bit too short that way.
And I also played some of Grand Theft Auto IV's multiplayer as well. I read that the server is shutting down at the end of the month. Since I still have trophies to get from the online portion of the game, I want to earn them before I no longer can do that. Now, I read that it will be transitioning to something, but I didn't really understand how GTA IV is affected. So either way, I am going to try and earn the trophies before the end of the month.
Today we are pulling up the carpet in the room next to my bedroom, and putting the table in there. Most likely, I will be doing it by myself, because Carma said that she is going to Lowe's for some things. Other than that, I have nothing planned for this Memorial Day. So, I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...