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The Michael Swayne Story V: King of his Castle

50% chance of not doing anything I want...and rain...

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Tuesday was an okay day. First, every time Joey would hear the television in my room make any kind of noise, he would run in here expecting to play. Even if I had just started playing, he would think that he would get to play. It got to the point where I decided to just play the PSP. And since I told him to not watch me play over my shoulder, I didn't have any problem with a little kid begging to play the same game I was playing.

And then a storm rolled in. There was thunder and lightning, and it made me think it would be very bad. Carma even called saying that the rain was coming down very hard. I had to take Joey to Carma's aunt's house next door, and I was worried we would get rained on. But all it did was make noise and it was very loud. And then after it passed, it became really hot.

See, it was an okay day.

I played several games yesterday. First, I finished a couple more Verses in Drakengard 3. And in Final Fantasy X, I made it to the other end of the Calm Lands. And I started a save file of Assassin's Creed II. I did it because there were several easy trophies to get. Yes, I know I am playing it out of order. I know I haven't finished the first in the series. But it still seems like a fun game to play. Anyway, I tend to always play games out of order. So, it's normal.

My plans for today are to make sure Joey doesn't kill himself while Carma is sleeping. Then this evening I am going to try to sleep earlier so I have more than three hours of sleep before work. I will probably play some form of video game, if I can get a turn. Other than that, I will try and do normal Wednesday activities. Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...



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