358/2 Days
, 11-10-2012 at 06:17 PM (4031 Views)
I checked the mail today, and in among the weekend newspaper was a letter from some seemingly random person from New Mexico. I felt something hard inside it, and instantly thought that some charity is offering me the chance to send them money much like how the DAV did last year by sending me a nickel along with a letter saying that they could use my money for so many great things.
I opened it, and inside was my copy of Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days. I am stunned at this because I don't normally get video games inside business-sized envelopes. I was expecting a Priority Mail envelope, not a plain envelope with a normal forever stamp on it.
I told Dad about it, and agreed that it wasn't the safest thing for them to do. Some mail employee could "lose" what I paid for, thinking that I wouldn't miss it or something. Anyway, I left feedback suggesting that the seller use a more secure way of delivering products.
I haven't played it yet, but I did put it in to see if it works, and it does. So, I am happy. All I am waiting on now is Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings to arrive in the next few days (probably Tuesday).
Also today, I paid the water bill as well as my next stamp company shipment. And now I am left with $13.48, ten of which is quarters. Yay for coin rolling while being totally bored!
I downloaded Windows Live Messenger (MSN) and Spotify today, so I can now join in any conversations TFF is having (if we still do that) and be able to listen to music again (as opposed to the noise that's on the radio anymore). Just in case anyone forgot, my MSN is [email protected]. I had so many friend requests when I signed in. But I am glad to be back to normal. Now if only my new computer would arrive. And it will, as soon as I finish paying for it.
I played a little of Legion today. And honestly, it sucks. A lot. I am thinking I will just look up a LP of it and watch it, because it is not fun. I finished the first mission, and died quickly in the second. I am sure it has a good story, being about King Arthur and Merlin and junk; but it is mainly hack-and-slash, and I am not fond of those games. It has some good graphics in the cutscenes, but during gameplay you are so small you can't really tell. If anything, it is like the game Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows that I played a few months ago, but with better cutscenes.
Well, sorry to cut this short, but I am really excited about playing 358/2 Days. I will probably end up playing it all night. Hope to see you all around the forums, and until then...
PS. I will keep the computer on, so feel free to message me on MSN if you want.