Winter is Coming???
, 08-02-2013 at 10:19 PM (899 Views)
No, I did not start watching Game of Thrones. I am using it because though it so hot outside, in the game I am playing it is snowing so much. I played Skyrim all day today. Instead of working on the main quests, I thought it would be nice to go and visit Azura's Shrine since it was so conveniently on my map. Well, I took a wrong turn, and then I got lost, and now I am a spooky lighthouse filled with dead people and creepy monsters and they want to kill me. If you want to know more, I talk about in my most recent gaming blog entry. So check it out when you get the chance.
Speaking of my gaming blog, I am starting the second month of the challenge. Not only that, it has reached 750 page views since it began. That's nearly one-third the amount my old journal has received, and it's been around more than two years. I don't know about this blog here, because I would have to check each entry separately for the amount and add it all up. As much as I love crunching numbers, I don't have time to do that for all 279 entries (which includes this one).
Joey came over to play today. That was not something I wanted to deal with. I was busy working, and he is so full of questions and was just being a normal and annoying 6-year-old. But because I think it to be integral part in a child's development to play and do things that enriches the mind, I ended up helping him stack dominoes. After all, he was learning, and my work wasn't that important. I only completed 14 tasks today instead of my normal 50+ turking. But in the end, I don't mind. There will always be more HITs to complete.
Dad invited me to a get together for Grandma's birthday on Sunday. I was going to give my normal "I might go" response. But then he said where it was going to be. When he said that it would be at the Floozy's house I cut him off mid-sentence and said No. He seemed a bit put off with me after that. He even slammed the front door when he left, and I could hear him running his mouth about me as he walked to his truck and left. I am not about to throw what I believe in to the side just so I go and eat an undercooked hamburger, especially at a drug dealer's home. Who knows what they will be adding to the meat.
And besides, I don't want to be there if the police show up. Knowing them, they'd probably try to bring me in on their crime. Floozy's done it before, when my brother disposed of the marijuana my sister and Floozy's daughter brought here once. They called Floozy and she said that if I wasn't going to tell them where it was to call the police and say I was the one with the drugs. That's the kind of people they are, and I want nothing to do with the lot of them.
Oh, and I rode to Sinking Spring today on the substitute bike. It was a nice ride. And I watched EYK's latest Live Chat. I didn't watch it live though. It started at 5am; and though I woke up in time to watch it, I was only up to put Omega out. Then I went back to sleep.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...