And the winner is...
, 08-27-2014 at 05:44 AM (486 Views)
...not me. I ended up finishing in 3rd Place. That's not too bad. In the old promotion system, it would mean I get promoted to the Silver league. But this new system is so confusing. The person running the competition posted the rankings where essentially the Top 10 become the new Platinum League and so on, but then he later admitted to have made a mistake in the rankings. He hasn't made public how he is determining the rankings of the players, despite receiving several questions on the subject from the players. Anyway, in his screwy ranking system, I rank 27th. That seems a bit lower than what I was expecting. I don't really know what I was expecting, but certainly higher than 27th. I don't know. I will just have to wait until more information is given.
I am almost finished the story part of the Thieves Guild story in Skyrim. I will still have to work on the odd jobs in order to become the leader of the Thieves Guild and earn the trophy. I am also one level closer to 50, and one dungeon closer to 50, and one Shout closer to 20. And then I have begun a couple daedric artifact quests as well. I am hoping to get the Platinum trophy for the game soon.
I used the push mower yesterday, but I ran out of gas. There is still quite a bit of grass left to mow. It is in an out-of-the-way area of the yard, so it won't be that noticeable. I am going to try and put the drive belt on the riding mower today. And if I don't, my brother told Mom that he will stop in this evening to take a look at it. That works for me. It's what I wanted ever since it came off on Monday. If I didn't want him to put it back on, I wouldn't have called him on Monday to have him help me with it.
Anyway, I think my main goal today is to go to sleep early enough to be rested when I have to get up and go to work. I don't like being tired and riding my bike. I got lucky last week in that I was able to take a nap while waiting for the papers to arrive. But things should be back to normal this week. Other than that, I'm just going to trying to fix the mower and playing video games. So, I guess that's it for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...