Taking on a shark...
, 07-20-2014 at 06:12 AM (619 Views)
In an attempt to get back on schedule with these entries, I will be writing about the competition so far. The first match has been on for twelve hours now. The matchups were announced two minutes after the match started. Which is pretty normal. There was a poll taken to decide whether the schedule would be announced all at once or match by match like the previous two seasons. I voted that they be announced all at once. It is better for me to prepare everything, and knowing the full match schedule would help in that. But the majority of the competitors voted to have it be match by match.
Anyway, for this first match, I am up against the German player cybershark91. He is at PSN Level 19, and 6%. From what I gathered, he has a PS3, PS4, and PSVita. That could be a disadvantage for me, because he has a greater access to games. When the matchups were announced, I sent him a message over PSN wishing him good luck and that we both go far in the competition. We are both debuting this season, and I think it would be awesome if the new players were able to pass the veterans. Half of the Bronze League is veteran players. And I wouldn't mind seeing them stay there.
I scored first, earning one point just 16 minutes into the match. I also scored another elven times for seventeen more points when cybershark91 finally score his first points. He earned a Gold Medal worth six points in a game called Surge Deluxe. After looking at the game's trophy list, I saw that he only has one Bronze trophy left to earn. That could be another disadvantage. If he starts another game, he may earn a lot of trophies quickly, and I may not be able to recover. So I put myself up a gear and worked toward completing Murdered: Soul Suspect. I played until 12:30am, and have earned 28 of the 49 trophies in the game. Those trophies add up to 34 points in the match. So right now, the score is 34 to 6.
Here's probably the best part. cybershark91 sent me a reply to my message. He said that he won't be playing much these first few matches. I think I remember him posting that he is having exams coming up, and won't be around much because of it. Either way, I am going to do my best and perform well in this opening match. It will be good to establish myself as a real contender for the competition.
My plan today is to continue working on Murdered: Soul Suspect. It is a nice game, and definitely not something I usually play. I got scared at first when the demons would scream and come after me. This game isn't really a scary game, but it does have a way of scaring me. I am also on dog watch. Jackson was stung by bees, and his face is all swollen. Carma is about to go to Sinking Spring to get some benadryll to help take care of it. I have already applied a baking soda paste to his face, and now all we can do is wait. Joey is trying to pester and bother Jackson, when all he wants to do is rest to feel better. I am glad that Luca hasn't also been stung.
Well, that's about it for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...