A minor glitch...
, 07-22-2014 at 09:12 AM (1290 Views)
I had a bit of a setback in trophy hunting yesterday. It turns out that one of trophies will not be counted, because it was for a game that has been banned from earning points. It took me days to earn the trophy in Minecraft for the riding a minecart 500 meters in one direction. But because the game can apparently be completed in less than two hours, I am out a gold trophy and 6 points in the match. I still have the lead, but it lessens with each trophy cybershark91 gets in Assassin's Creed Brotherhood. So I am not as comfortable as I was yesterday. I won't let it stop me, though. I do have a plan. I am working on getting all of the collectables in Murdered: Soul Suspect. I totally forgot about the pre-order bonus I received when I bought the game. I am making use of the map with all of their locations on it. If I just stick to the map and check everything off as I go, I will get the remaining trophies and score the points to solidify my victory.
But maybe I won't have to do so much work. Even without the Minecraft trophy, I am still 19 points ahead. I could probably save the Platinum trophy of Murdered: Soul Suspect, and unlock it when the second match begins. Then I will have a 12-point head start on whoever I go up against next. There is about 31 hours left in this first match. And I think I will be able to hold the lead...maybe.
In the other Bronze League matches, the players are starting to sync their trophies with the server and providing me some juicy statistics for future reference. I was going to just keep track of my and my current opponent's scores, but I can't resist the urge to keep track of everything now. I am still the highest scorer in the Bronze League, with cybershark91 in second place. I guess seeing all of the points I am racking up is pushing him forward to do the same.
But right now, I am taking a break from trophy hunting. I don't want to burn myself out and have it affect me in later matches. There are eight more to do, with no breaks in between. I am still doing my normal day-to-day things. Like mowing, for example. After Carma and Joey left yesterday evening, I began on the yard. I was out until 10pm cutting the grass. The only reason I stopped was because I could no longer see the line between the cut grass and the uncut grass. I will finish up this evening after it cools down. Until then, I am playing video games and petting Brutus, who is asleep on his back on my bed.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...