Time's almost up!
, 12-19-2013 at 10:09 PM (649 Views)
Don't tell my brother, but the house payment was made in full this month. One of Grandma's sources paid the remaining $100. If my brother asks, I am to tell him that he owes me his portion of the payment, because he is to believe that it hasn't been paid yet. I am to feed him a story of writing an extra check to pay the rest, though I don't have the money to do it, and that my Uncle won't take it to the bank until I do have the money. Or some other story I can think of that will convince him.
Work went well. I finished before 10am. While on my route, I saw my brother; first at the gas station, then at one of the diners in the center of town.
After arriving at Grandma's, I was asked to help bake Christmas cookies with her and my cousin. My cousin and I were the only ones to help last year, and we did it again this year. I guess Dad was supposed to tell me about the cookie baking day before today. He just never did it. I was at Grandma's until after 3pm, and I got to take what I baked home with me. They do taste good.
As soon as I got home, I started a fire, and then fell asleep. I was woken up not even one hour later by my brother with Joey and Macy (my brother's girlfriend's daughter. well, one of them). I spent the time they were here playing PS3 games with Joey. He seems to be okay after seeing Pop pass away.
Moving on to more pressing matters. There are less than six hours left to get your votes in for the 2013 TFF Awards! I have made a new Most Attractive Female banner, and I like it lots more than the old one. Anyway, get your votes in, if you haven't done so already!
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...