This is why I want a new screen on my window.
, 05-09-2013 at 07:41 PM (1026 Views)
I arrived at the office at 6am, and started on my work. I had an insert to put in the paper, so my route was a bit slower than I would have preferred. On top of that, I helped Misty take a load of recycling to the bin. The shed is almost cleaned out. Just about 2600 more to get rid of. When I finished, I asked if there was anything that they wanted me to do. I was then told that they wanted me to go ahead and work tomorrow. I will be working on catching everything up on the special projects. Maybe this is my chance to get back to where I was before.
I was also told today that we are going to have shirts made for the staff. Pink ones for the female members of staff, and blue for the male members of staff. Or in other words, pink for the females, and blue for Michael. These shirts will be worn during the festivals when we put up booths and represent the company. The catch is, the shirts are $12, and we pay for them ourselves. The other thing is, it is optional.
I told Misty when she told me, "I don't earn enough money to spare $12 for something I will wear once or twice." And really, I can't. I more than willing to wear a shirt that separates me from the rest of the staff even more than my specific body parts or anything they want me to, as long as I don't have to pay for it. And what festival would I get to "represent the company"? Every festival around here always lands on a Thursday. I deliver that day. And I don't even go to festivals for fun, so what makes them think I would go for work?
One good thing happened today. When I started my route today, I found a treasure. Half-buried in dirt and mud was a GameBoy Pocket. When I got it home, I put some batteries in it. It turns on. I don't have any games to see if it will play. I thought I did, but then I remembered I let Vince's son borrow my one GameBoy game. If only GBA games would fit in it.
I am currently in 16th Place in King of the Web. The current equivalent in Gaming King is 20th. If I were to use the bonus votes I've saved up, I would be in 10th Place. Anyway, it is just a little reminder that I have a chance at doing well in the contest. But it is also making me think that maybe I should wait even longer and save up even more bonus votes to guarantee a good finish.
Anyway, that's all for now. I am off to bed, so I can be ready for work tomorrow. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...