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The Michael Swayne Story V: King of his Castle

I just waved at Andromeda.

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Carma got home earlier than I expected, so I got to work with Larry as soon as I got the call to go down there. The only problem I had was that Joey just had to come with me. I didn't like it. I told him before we left that he had to stay out of the way, because we were going to moving around a bunch of rusty metal and stuff. He was out of the way, for the most part. Or rather, he was out of my way. He was in Larry's way a lot. I think by the end of it he was glad to be done working. I was paid $56 for the time spent working, and then Joey and I went back to the house.

I spent a long time in the shower. There was just so much dirt. I stayed awake as long as I could, but I still fell asleep at 8pm. And now it is 2am and I am wide awake.

A friend of mine said that I should try Bayonetta. So since I was given so much money today, I figured I would go ahead and try it. I don't normally buy digital versions of games because of how much space they take on my hard drive, and because I like manuals, cases, and discs. There's just something about seeing a case among others neatly in a row that I like. I think I may get a physical copy at some point, if I like the game.

I am loading up Amarant Orunitia in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn right now. I think I will play some, until the Internet speed goes down. Or until I become tired again. Or maybe I will rage quit from having just died fighting a puk hatchling. Oh well. I needed to go back to Limsa Lominsa anyway. Anyway, I guess that is it for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...



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  1. Andromeda's Avatar
    Yeah, I was crafting so I couldn't wave to you. You got a vote for housing locations? In order of most to least liked would be helpful.
  2. Yoko's Avatar
    Lol, gotta love crafting problems.

    Also, those Puk's are trolls. Don't let them get away that easy!
  3. Michael Swayne's Avatar
    It's okay, Andromeda. To be fair, I just stood there when you waved at me on my first day. I was still figuring out the controls when you waved.