Rained out...
, 01-04-2015 at 08:38 PM (964 Views)
My birthday was Saturday. It was pretty much a normal day. I had asked Mom and my sister to come over and visit, but then I checked the weather forecast and told them they didn't have to come. Imagine my surprise when I get a text message from Mom saying that she at the door. I didn't hear anyone at the door, but that was because everyone else in the house was being so loud. Along with getting to see and talk to Mom, who I hadn't seen since Thanksgiving, I also got to show her my life here at the house. She got to experience the loudness firsthand, instead of just reading about in Facebook posts or text messages. She saw how the kids just barge in instead of knocking on the door first. She now knows why I stay in my own little world.
And a couple hours later, Mom's ride was there to take her back to where she's staying. During the visit I was told that my brother has been asked to turn himself in for an assault charge. He beat up someone for stealing his tools. My sister would send us text messages or Facebook messages during my time with Mom. We caught up with each other and what had happened since we saw each other last. It was a good visit, but it also left me feeling sad after she left. Not because she was leaving, and I had no idea when I would see her again. But because it just felt like a confirmation that the plans she and I had when we first were split apart nine months ago would not be happening. She seems rather determined to make a life with her boyfriend. The plan was to work on getting a place to get back on our feet. But that doesn't seem to be the plan anymore. Now it's more like wait until I don't have any animals to care for and then just get an apartment for myself. I don't know, maybe I'm thinking too much into everything.
Moving on...
Dad came over Saturday afternoon. I was napping, and Carma woke me up to say that he was on the porch. I walked out there, and stood next to the door. I didn't look directly at him at all. He said what was wrong with my face, and I said that I was asleep (I guess I had pillow marks or something, I don't know). He said that he wanted to stop by and wish me a merry Christmas and happy Birthday, and I said whatever. He said that he still loved me, and I said sure. He said "Well, I won't keep you" (in the tone of me being torn away from something more pressing), and I walked back into the house. It wasn't until an hour later that I opened the envelope he handed me. He gave me $20. I guess that's how much he loves me. Only $1,880 more until I am paid the money I put into "his" house. Only then will actually consider the option of forgiving him for his wrongs. I sent a message to Mom after he left. She seemed surprised that he showed up at all. He probably was yelled at by his other family for taking time to see the reason he can hold the title of father. After all, if I hadn't been born, he wouldn't have become a dad until nearly four years later.
We brought Luca's puppy into the house on Saturday. Luca is looking so thin, so we brought the puppy in to give Luca some time to gain some weight again. She already looks so much healthier. And the puppy is really adjusting to indoor life well. She spends most of the time in my room with me. And she spent her first night inside on my bed with Bella, Brutus, and me. I have a bowl of food for her in here, and I take her outside every few hours to use the bathroom. She was given worm medicine, and it grossed Joey out when he saw what came out of her. My one main hope with the puppy is that Joey and the kids are not rough with her, like they are with Jackson. Pets are supposed to teach children compassion and responsibility, but those kids torture poor Jackson. I am liable to go off and smack a kid if I see them be mean to that puppy in any way. And I dare Carma or Autumn to try and tell me not to. They are too easy on the kids, and they walk all over them.
Finally for my birthday, my friend and I played and completed One Piece: Pirate Warriors 2 together. He had already done it, but I hadn't. So I got the true ending and bagged some trophies in the process. Then we chatted while watching Toonami until almost 3am. I am not used to staying up that late, so I had to call off our plan of staying up until 6am. We will try again this upcoming Saturday night.
Sunday was spent pretty much being lazy. I did everything I was asked when I was asked, but the rest of the time was spent on the mattress. Either browsing the Internet, or playing some game or other. Carma and Joey picked up the new fridge today, and I helped by bringing it in. It's fancy looking. It's just too bad it will be trashed by those kids. I had no idea that there were models of refrigerators that came with locks. We didn't get one of those, but it would be useful. Especially when nothing is safe in the fridge with the two youngest getting into everything.
And that's about it. This evening I watched a block of old British comedies on PBS. I put in four cents in my coffee can, bringing the total to $1.10. The goal of walking every day hasn't been happening at all. It is just too cold and rainy for any of that. Maybe I will catch up on those steps I missed tomorrow while we can't go in the house. The exterminators will be coming tomorrow, and I still have to put my things down in the basement. There isn't a lot to take there, but I still don't want to do it. I still need to decide what handheld 3DS and Vita games to keep with me.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...