Why can't it be Spring already?
, 02-14-2014 at 10:25 PM (774 Views)
I have determined that if I hadn't went to Sinking Spring with Dad yesterday, and instead went this morning; that it would have snowed all day. But instead, it waited until the chance of actual precipitation was 0% to actually snow. It wouldn't do it while the chance was 100%, no. I somehow fooled the gods that I was going to ride to Sinking Spring today.
Oh well. It just mean that the house will cool faster than normal because of the snow landing on the roof and hitting the house. At least it isn't really windy tonight. Mom and I put a sheet over the door of the cathouse to help keep the cold out and the heat in. Three of the cats ran out while we were doing it, but little lowercase stayed in the whole time. Either he was the only one unafraid, or the only one without the strength to run out because of what we were doing. I worry about him, because he is smaller and skinnier than Stri-P-Grr and Flea (Not-So-Mega), and he tends to stay close to the porch while the others go on adventures and explore. I feel for him the most, because he is always by himself. Other than his size, he seems healthy and all. He's just the runt of the group, I guess.
I played Skyrim all day today. I first started working on the side missions in order to complete the Thieves Guild story, but I grew bored of that. It's always go here, and come back to report in, then go here, and come back. Why not just give me a list of places to steal from and then I'll come back. It's just not fun at all. After that barrel of fun, I went and joined the Legion. I am already working on the Winterhold area of the story. And, I earned a trophy as well after claiming Fort Greenwall.
I am so tired of Winter. This is the worst winter in seven years. I wish the weather would just warm up for good.
Tomorrow I hope to play a lot of games, and write lots of articles. Today I only wrote one, and it was on announcing Deadman's Cross, Square Enix's newly released mobile game. And I think I know what I will do for my gaming blog on Thursdays when I don't have a review. But the big reveal on that will have to wait.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...