Where I talk about my Kitties...
, 06-10-2013 at 07:26 PM (651 Views)
Today I didn't do much at all. I couldn't, really. It was storming most of the day, and I don't have my electronics on when it's storming. Or at least I try to keep them off when it is. There are times when it is "necessary", like when I am too lazy to turn on my radio and find out when the storm is going to pass. Or when I am bored out of my mind and have nothing that doesn't involve electronics that I want to use to occupy my time. Normally, the power will go out when I have electronics on during a storm, and I just don't want to risk it despite have power strips and other protective things.
Anyway, so I spent a lot of time playing with Omega. He wanted to spend the day in the house and he was hungry for attention. I couldn't deny him of love and attention, because he has such an old soul. His rusty fur and stiff walk make him seem so much older than he is. He's just over one-year-old, but he acts like he's lived a lifetime. He and Itsy Bitsy act nothing alike, and they are brother and sister.
Itsy Bitsy, if you'll remember from my journal, was named last or first, depending on how you look at it. Back when Omega, Itsy Bitsy, Kunoichi, and Shadow were born, I called the four of them my Itsy Bitsies. And then when Moonbeam abandoned them and I tool care of them, it was Omega that was too scared to go under the truck with the others to find shelter from the storm. That's the night I names him Omega, the first to be named and possibly the last I will raise. Shadow became Shadow because he was always my shadow, following me everywhere. Kunoichi was a ninja cat, and since she was a female, she became Kunoichi. But I could never find a name for Itsy Bitsy. She stayed Itsy Bitsy because she was always so much smaller than the others. And you never would have guessed by how much she loves on me now that she didn't even like me when she was little (littler than she is now). Now not a night goes by when she doesn't sleep on my bed with me.
Then Kunoichi and Shadow left this world. At least, Shadow did. Kunoichi was always wilder than the others, and for all I know she could still be alive somewhere.
And that brings me to U. I didn't even want him back when I first saw him. "I have enough pets as it is," I said. But he was very quick to tame and very lovable. I call him my feline Clifford, because he grew so much in such a small amount of time (and I don't think 9 Lives cat food could make him grow THAT much). He couldn't have been more than two months old when I found him on our deck. In six months he's grown to be longer than Omega. Omega is more well-built than U, though.
And there's Luca, my dog. She went through a lot since she's been in my life as well. Her owner (my brother) left, and made me her new caretaker. She had one little of puppies, and watched as they all left, and also saw her "husband" Bo (my other dog) die. She's blind in one eye. And she prefers to swim in her water bowl rather than drink from it. That crazy dog has so much energy. She always runs a lap or two around her area when I go and see her. And she's also spoiled to no end. Not only does she have a house that I could sit in, but she has an awning four times as big as her house. Plenty of area to run and roll around.
I am talking about stuff you could easily find out in my journal. It is quite a long read. The reason why I am writing about this is because I am once again having to put up with my brother and his "girlfriend" here tonight. As if yesterday wasn't enough. I wish that he would show even a little bit of consideration to the other members of this house before he decides to use this place for his own nasty little activities. I have my air freshener spray ready at my door that way I can spray at a moments notice.
Moving on...
Tomorrow I am working in the office, composing the newspaper. I am not worried about my job too much. I believe that I am capable of making a great looking paper. I don't think I can work harder than I usually do, because I always work very hard when I am there. My main concern is that I am starting to think that I am being set up to fail. After the things I have been told, it seems like they are just trying to find an excuse to replace me. And all because I asked for a date on when I would receive more office time. After all, I can't continue to keep my days free because there is a chance that I will get more office time at some point in the future. I have to put finances into consideration. I didn't say I needed more time in the office immediately, just a date on when it will happen. That way I could either continue to wait or just leave and work somewhere else.
Anyway, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...