When I begin a sentence with "As far as I know", I clearly don't know as far as I think.
, 04-04-2013 at 06:44 PM (790 Views)
I finished my route at 11am this morning. When I got back to the office to collect my things and go home, I was greeted with:
"I need you to make the Tomahawk Pizza Menu today. It has to be finished by Monday, or we lose the account. Oh yeah, you will only be paid for five hours of work. If there is anything else that needs done, I will have to do it."
So today I worked in the office from 11am to 4pm, and I think it is the hardest I've worked on a single project. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to finish it in my allotted five hours. But it wasn't my fault. I ran out of ads to put on the menu. The sales staff weren't able to sell the eleven spots I reserved for ads. But I did everything I could. I put in all of the menu items and got what ads I had in the spots.
Now here's the reason why I am only getting payment for five hours on this menu. The total sales for the menu will equal $625. The sales staff will be getting a maximum of $52.50 for their commission (total, not each). It would be more but the ads that are in there now were sold by the owner, and she doesn't get a commission. The cost to print and ship is about $150. And so, I get only $25 to work on it, while the company gets the remaining $122.50. After running the numbers, I can see why they only gave me five hours.
Anyway, I am off until Tuesday. I think. Something may come up and I might get to work more. Even if I don't want to. What I want to do is sleep and play video games. But if the chance to work comes along, I am going to work. Unless it's 2pm on a Friday, and then that's just dumb.
I tutored Joey again this evening. Today we worked on a couple worksheets I made. I need to make some more, because I am down to three.
I am currently in 30th Place with 130 votes in Gaming King. But it's all in the hope of winning in the future, so it's fine. Keep saving up those Bonus Votes everyone!
Well, I am off to bed. Tomorrow I am delivering in Sinking Spring, and then I have the rest of the day to myself, maybe. I hope to see you around the forums, and until I do...