Officially broke the resolution.
, 02-08-2014 at 09:26 PM (683 Views)
Okay, so I've been holding something back from all of you lately. You see, the truth is, I uh, went and bought a video game a few weeks ago that I didn't have the heart to tell anyone about. I am talking about a game other than Lightning Returns or the Final Fantasy X/X-2 remaster. I purchased Star Ocean: Second Evolution, and it arrived today. I know, I am horrible. I obviously have a problem with video game shopping and need help (not really).
Now, the problem isn't that I am unable to control my purchasing, because I am extremely careful about shopping and rarely go over my own personal limit I set for myself. It's just that I have the tendency to not finish games I start. Let's take my newest purchase for example. I turned it on, and I can't get past the opening movie before the title screen. Why? Because the song is so good! I had the PSP just sitting on my desk while doing other things, all the while it is playing the cutscene over and over so I can hear the song again and again.
And so, I have no clue as to when I will actually start playing this game. I do know that I want to complete First Departure first, because Second Evolution takes place after First Departure. After all, why would I want to play as the son, when I don't know the father's story.
In other gaming news, I got Mom playing video games today. I was talking to her about games, and I was all, "I know what game you would like!" I ran to my room and came back with my DS and TouchMaster Connect. I loaded up the game and she latched onto it. She likes puzzle games, and the game has several of them. She spent most of the evening playing it.
Also, Joey came over today to play Grand Theft Auto IV with me. He also ate dinner with us (we had tacos). It was fun. We just mess around when we play. I found a really tall building, and we just jumped off of it a bunch. We competed to see which one of us fell further. Joey won, but only because he jumped at a lower place than I did.
Mom and Not-So-Mega are the best of friends now. So much in fact, that his name is now Li'l Flea (short for Little Feline). He can't get enough of Mom, and Mom spoils him rotten. It is only a matter of time when he will be granted access to sleeping in bed with her.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...