I won, then I lost, but in a week, I won't care.
, 02-20-2013 at 07:29 PM (883 Views)
This morning as Dad was taking me to work, he said that he and Floozy split up. We were talking about how Mom was offered a chance at an early release. I told him that maybe she won't be taking it because she wanted him to figure out what he wanted. That's when he said it. He then said that "Mom doesn't believe a word I have written." I think it was just him still being sour. Anyway, I am not going to believe him until I know for sure that Floozy is out of my life for good. It may have taken a while, but I guess you can say I won.
At work today, I made some finishing touches on the menu. To my best judgement, the menu is ready for printing. I have printed out a copy of it for approval from the owner, and now I just wait until she says to fix it again. Most likely, that is what will happen. I did use Photoshop today. So that's a plus. In a way, I won.
Also, there ended up being a paper this week. Gabby came from nowhere once again with an ad that filled up what space was left. I am hoping that soon she will realize that she needs to do this all the time, and not when the pressure is on. It was still a loose paper, but it was enough to finish it.
Tomorrow after my route, I will be working on the Easter brochure. All of the $50 ad spots have been filled. Each of the businesses have ads already in our computer, so all I have to do is find them and put them in the paper. Then as I am doing that, Gabby will be selling the remaining $19 spots. These are just signature ads, and won't take long to make. The hard part is going to be finding 24 ideas for Easter decorating. It isn't a Holiday that people normally decorate for, at least not around here. But I will work my magic and come up with something. The way I win here is that I am getting paid for working in the office tomorrow.
I received two packages in the mail today! The first was a box containing Romancing SaGa and the guide book. I have never seen a video game guide book in person before, so I was really surprised to see it have 200+ pages. I was thinking 50-60 pages at most. But this thing seems really detailed. The second was Final Fantasy XIII-2 with the Episode i book. I immediately read Episode i. It was alright. It could have been better. If the goal of the book was to make me want to play the game more, it succeeded. I want to play it. But not as much as I want to play Final Fantasy XIII for a second time. Besides, if I play them in order, I get a special item when I start XIII-2 (I read XIII-2's manual also). Catherine is still on its way from New York, but should be here soon. The way I won here is that I knew they had arrived when I took a 5 minute break from work to check the status on eBay. I saw they were delivered, and sent a text message to my brother to check the mail.
Finally, I played one game of billiards tonight. I went up against my brother. Before we started, I asked him for a bet. If I won, he would lend me money to get a PS3. If I lost, I would stop asking him to lend me money to get a PS3. I was playing very well, especially for someone who hasn't played in months. The game came down to the 8-ball. I had both Dad and my brother excited on my shot. I was attempting to bank it into the side pocket, which is my weak point (but unfortunately the easiest shot I could take from where I was). It ended up hitting the edge of the pocket and not go in. Then, my brother was able to make a clean straight shot and end the game. So, I lost.
And now I am going to have to wait until next week to have the money needed to buy a PS3. What's so bad about having to wait another week is that I am only $20 short of the amount needed. This next week is going to feel like a week-long Christmas Eve. I know what the present is, but I can't unwrap and play with the present until it's actually Christmas. This week may kill me. This is twenty times worse than when I was making payments on my computer. The first one. When I could only afford to make a $25 payment each month. But at least I know that a PS3 is within reach.
I guess I will have to play billiards against Dad and bet him a ride to Hillsboro to actually go and buy the thing. Because I doubt he will be going there any time soon. I guess I could test myself and ride the 21 miles on my bike. It could serve as a warm-up for later this year when I go to Columbus for vacation. The problem is the trip back. Can I trust myself to not wreck and break something that costs so much? I doubt I'll be able to fit it in my messenger bag. Well, I probably could fit the actual console in there, but not the box.
Tomorrow I am delivering newspapers (and as I said earlier, working on the Easter Brochure afterwards). I will also be recording a video tomorrow. Of what, I am not sure. But tomorrow it has to be done, that way I can edit and post it on Friday.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...