What started as an all day job turned out to be two-and-a-half hours.
, 02-22-2013 at 08:15 PM (777 Views)
Overnight we received a lot of freezing rain. Everything was covered in ice. I almost fell as I walking across the front porch to go feed Luca. Dad prepared for it and put his truck in the garage so it wouldn't be icy. I arrived at work this morning at 8:30 am, and proceeded to work on the Easter brochure.
As I said yesterday, all I had to do was put in some coloring spaces and the egg coloring tips. I thought it would end up being an all-day job, because I was just expecting something to happen and mess up everything. But luckily, nothing major happened. I did have a slight panic when the coloring pages didn't transfer to pdf format. But I was able to fix that (turns out I had to save them first as single pdfs before putting them on the Quark document in order to safely transfer them.
At 10:30 am, I printed out a few copies of the brochure, and Emailed copies to Pam, Iris, and Misty. Then, I was able to go home. And at 11:30 am, I was back home.
I took a nap this afternoon. My plan is to sleep in tomorrow morning. I probably won't be able to, but I can try.
I posted my next YouTube video. It isn't fancy. I just played a game of Solitaire on my computer. But it gave an update on why QWOP wasn't being posted, so it works.
Right now in Gaming King, I am in 17th Place with 553 votes. I have earned more votes in this election than the last one, so I am happy. I will still campaign as best I can though. Who knows, I could still make it into the Top 10. When I was voting today, I voted for the people who were in the same ranking as I was. Normally I vote for whoever is in last place, because it boosts their ranking a lot, and possibly gives them more attention to their channels. But today I switched it up.
In other news, I bought a PS3. Well, I ordered one and it should arrive between February 26 and March 6. It was cheaper than everywhere else I have seen, and was in better condition than most (the only brand new ones were at actual stores). But the seller had plenty of pictures and a great reputation and sales record. Anyway, I bought it and now I can't complain (even though it cost $180, $20 of which is shipping). My main thing about it is that it isn't backwards compatible, so I will still have to find a PS2 that can play Xenosaga Episode I at some point in the future. But I have already run the numbers and I can afford it. Anyway, there is now a countdown on when I will finally be able to play the games I have bought lately. Now is the waiting game.
I started reading the guide for Romancing SaGa today. I also started playing it as well, but I didn't save or anything. The gameplay reminds me of Final Fantasy II's in that the actions you take in battle affect the stats gains you earn after battle. It will take some getting used to. But I am devoting this weekend to gaming, so I will have plenty of time.
Itsy Bitsy is in heat. So, I have banished Omega and U from the house until Itsy calms down again. I can't be having any more pets, even if they will most likely be the cutest things in the world. I am going to be scheduling an appointment with the Rascal Van on getting her fixed.
Well, I think that's everything tonight. I know I have to wash my clothes tomorrow, but other than that, video games should take up most of my day. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...
PS, I am off to go play Mario Party 7!